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12th Annual Conference

  • Simon Fraser University 8888 University Drive West Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6 Canada (map)

CACBT hosted the 12th Annual Conference virtually with optional in-person networking at the Simon Fraser University’s Work Centre for Dialogue in Vancouver, British Columbia. The conference was well received and we had a record turn out!


The CACBT 2022 virtual conference included a stimulating line-up of speakers, who spoke on topics identified as important by our membership. Dr. Christopher Martell presented our full-day clinical workshop entitled, Affirmative CBT: What to Know When Working with LGTBQ+ Clients, supporting members’ strong interest in learning and reflecting on how to ensure our CBT practices are sensitive to issues of diversity and inclusion. Our half-day clinical workshops spanned a variety timely clinical topics by leading Canadian researchers/clinicians, including CBT for health anxiety and fear of death by Dr. Trish Furer, advanced considerations in virtual care by Dr. Christine Korol, and mindfulness practices for eating-related problems (given in French) by Dr. Johana Monthuy-Blanc, Dr. Marie-Josée St-Pierre, and Émie Therrien. All clinical workshops were accredited by the Canadian Psychological Association for continuing education credits.


In addition, to ensure a full conference agenda for our French colleagues, Dr. Michel Dugas provided an invited talk in French on treatment of generalized anxiety, and Dr. Martell’s workshop was simultaneously translated to French in live time. The conference ended with a keynote by the founder of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Dr. Steven C. Hayes, entitled, ACT, Psychological Flexibility, and the Future of CBT. Membership was clear in communicating a keen desire to learn more about ACT and its intersection with traditional CBT. What better way to learn than from Dr. Hayes himself, whom  we were honoured to have partake in our conference!


We also featured 48 research and clinical posters in a well-attended poster session. Additionally, the conference included three research-to-practice symposia, for which presenters were encouraged to craft their talks to appeal to membership at large, marrying cutting edge research with case studies and/or strong clinical applications.


An additional feature of the virtual conference was that our delegates were able to interact with poster presenters, exhibitors, and other attendees like they would in person, using a platform called Gathertown. This virtual platform was set up where delegates could move their avatars around the room and interact with others. Gathertown was set up like a regular conference venue with speaker rooms, poster session rooms, and lounges.


We would like to thank our workshop presenters, Dr. Christopher Martell, Dr. Patricia Furer, Dr. Christine Korol, Dr. Johana Monthuy-Blanc, Dr. Marie- Josée St-Pierre, and Émie Therrien. We also thank all the individuals who organized symposia:  Christina Puccinelli, Bailee Malivoire, Kathleen Stewart, and Dr. Thanh-Lan Ngô.


The conference was our most well-attended to-date, with approximately 277 delegates. In addition, we hosted our Annual General Meeting virtually, which was well attended (n = 79).


CACBT-ACTCC was pleased to congratulate:


CACBT-ACTCC 2021 Fellows:

Dr. Josée Savard
Dr. Sheryl Green


Jack Rachman Research Poster Award: 

Danielle Penney (Université du Québec à Montréal - UQAM) - A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the Effectiveness, Durability, and Moderators of Metacognitive Training for Psychosis


Keith Dobson Clinical Poster Award: 

Christina Puccinelli (McMaster University) –What Obsessive Beliefs are Related to the Harm Avoidance and Incompleteness Presentations of OCD?


Student Travel Awards: 

Savannah Marshall (McMaster University) – Interoceptive Awareness and Emotion Regulations in Individuals with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Taylor Patenaude (Vancouver Island University) – Technology-facilitated Sexual Violence and Post-Traumatic Stress Symptomology: The Role of Social Support and Post-Traumatic Growth


CACBT Award for Students who are Indigenous, black or people of colour

Arij Alarachi (McMaster University) – Why Patients Prematurely Discontinue Group CBT: Post-Dropout Perspectives of an Anxiety and Related Disorders Sample

Julie Guindon (McGill University) – What do Trainees Want? A Qualitative Analysis of Cognitive Behavioural Supervision Satisfaction


Thank you to our outgoing board members who were an integral part of the CACBT board: Dr. David Dozois, Dr. Gillian Alcolado, and Leanne Kane.


Thank you/ Merci to the Conference Planning Committee (Dr. Karen Rowa, Dr. Irena Milosevic, Dr. Jacqueline Cohen, Dr., Catherine Ouellet-Courtois, and Diana Dunnell), Dr. Noah Lazar for working with sponsors and exhibitors, the conference Abstract Review Committee, poster judges, and our volunteers, who worked hard to ensure that the conference was well organized and enjoyed by all attendees. Thank you also to all conference presenters, and to our sponsors whose support is greatly appreciated!  


See you in May 2023 in Halifax!

May 4

13th Annual Conference