Membership Registration and Benefits

    • access to the Member-Portal - Discussion Forum(s) (replaces listserve) where you can post and learn about relevant practice, training, and research opportunities for CBT practitioners and confer with other members throughout Canada and the world

    • receive priority registration for webinar series commissioned by CACBT on topics relevant to CBT practice in Canada

    • be eligible to apply for certification in CBT through CACBT

    • if certification status is achieved, be featured on our “Find a Certified Therapist” directory

    • enjoy deeply discounted registration rates for the annual CACBT conference and conferences of partner organizations

    • join a network of skilled and collegial mental health professionals interested in CBT and its practice

    • ability to list a workshop at no charge on the CACBT CBT Training webpage and/or circulate via our Discussion Forum in the Member Portal

    • ability to develop and strengthen your leadership skills by running for a seat on the CACBT Board of Directors or joining a CACBT Committee (e.g. Membership, Communications & Advocacy, Certification Task Force)  

    • members are entitled to a 15% discount on all trainings offered through Sick Kids Community Centre for Community Mental Health Learning Institute (CCMH Learning Institute)

    • receive Park'N Fly discounts: save as much as 40% (depending on the destination), complimentary EV charging at select locations and optional detailing and oil change services. The CACBT discount is applicable for both business and leisure travel

    • student-specific events at the annual CACBT conference, such as a student symposium (an excellent way to build your CV)

    • opportunities for further involvement with CACBT through volunteer work (e.g. serve on the board as a Student Affiliate Representative)

    • opportunities for networking with other students and professionals

    • access to information regarding training, research, and employment opportunities in CBT through our website and the Member Portal - Discussion Forum(s) (replaces listserve)

    • significantly discounted registration fees for the annual CACBT conference

    • Eligibility for student-specific awards presented at the annual CACBT conference (e.g. the Student Travel Award, the Jack Rachman Award for Outstanding Research Poster, the Keith Dobson Award for Outstanding Clinical Poster, and an award for students who are Indigenous, Black, or People of Colour)

    • receive Park'N Fly discounts: save as much as 40% (depending on the destination), complimentary EV charging at select locations and optional detailing and oil change services. The CACBT discount is applicable for both business and leisure travel

    • access to the Member-Portal - Discussion Forum(s) (replaces listserve) where you can post and learn about relevant practice, training, and research opportunities for CBT practitioners and confer with other members throughout Canada and the world

    • receive priority registration for webinar series commissioned by CACBT on topics relevant to CBT practice in Canada

    • enjoy deeply discounted registration rates for the annual CACBT conference and conferences of partner organizations

    • join a network of skilled and collegial mental health professionals interested in CBT and its

    • receive Park'N Fly discounts: save as much as 40% (depending on the destination), complimentary EV charging at select locations and optional detailing and oil change services. The CACBT discount is applicable for both business and leisure travel

  • Full Members are licensed or registered with a regulated health profession. As a Full Member, you will enjoy numerous benefits, including voting rights (e.g. at the Annual General Meeting) and eligibility to serve on the Board of Directors or Committees. Full Member’s include all active members (non-student) who have paid the current yearly membership fee. Full Members also includes: Certified, Fellows, Founding, Indigenous Members*.

    * For Full Members who identify as Indigenous, membership is free of charge. This is part of CACBT's commitment to help improve the availability of and access to cognitive-behavioural interventions that have been culturally adapted for Indigenous peoples.

  • Student Membership is open to individuals enrolled in a post-secondary program of study related to mental health (e.g., counselling, medicine, nursing, psychiatry, psychology, social work, occupational therapy) as well as recent graduates actively pursuing graduate-level training in a related discipline (e.g., during a gap year).

    For Student Members who identify as Indigenous, membership is free of charge. This is part of CACBT's commitment to help improve the availability of and access to cognitive-behavioural interventions that have been culturally adapted for Indigenous peoples.

  • For members who are retiring but want to remain connected to CACBT, we offer the free "Retired Affiliates" option. If you meet the following criteria, you are eligible to become a Retired Affiliate with CACBT:

    • You are no longer practicing

    • You have been a CACBT member for at least 5 of the last 10 years

    • AND at least ONE of the following:  Currently a Certified Member, a Past Board Member or a Fellow

    • Retired Affiliates will continue to have access to the listserve.  While there is no fee to become a Retired Affiliate, individuals will be required to renew their membership annually to keep our records current.

Membership Categories and Rates

Renewing Your Membership?

When it’s time to renew, you will automatically receive a reminder through the Member Portal. For added convenience, you can also log into the Member Portal anytime to complete your renewal or update your records.

Our membership benefits continue to grow! Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.